Tuesday 11 October 2016

Ƭhë lëss Τröddën קäths

Purpose is the reason you journey .. Passion is the fire that lights your way..
It is not everyday that you get to notice even the tiniest pieces of the commonest of the uncommon articles and events and faces that cross your path of journey. Well being an esoteric savage myself, I thought of posting the frame of this unnamed soul , who crossed my path on my train journey to Cochin, Kerala.

The Guy had a stuffed pack of papers and bits in his pocket, which in fact the pocket could barely hold and hence was fixated to his bosom of the cloth with quite a few rusted safety pins. The shabby attire drenched in the dirt and the occasional prejudice from the passengers that crossed him, never blew the glassy countenance from his face.

It almost gave me the thought the guy was destined on his path and his face sometimes showed the glimpse of his mind which was pregnant with thoughts. The sudden action of hormones in me made me take a snap of the frame in my i6 so subtly in the deed but looking at the out later, gave me the thought that He actually knew of my subtle approach but never swayed me away from imbibing his portrait.

I bade farewell to this soul a while later, but the wrinkled eye sockets housed an unrelenting flow of thoughts and better, Hope ..!

Yes, what they say about Journeys are just true. .. every Journey is indeed a sanguine Hope.. a hope that kindles the mind, refreshes the soul and affirms ones optimistic existence on this lonely planet.!

' ..ഒരോ യാത്രകളും ഒരോ പ്രതീക്ഷകളാണ്‌ ..'

until the eschatological apocalypse. ..

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